Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Happy Australia National Day Wishes Messages Quotes 2020

In this blog post you will get the best Happy Australia National Independence Day Wishes Messages Quotes 2020. Australia National Day 2020 will be celebrate in Australia on 26 January. This day is  officially named as “Australia Day” and it is celebrated on 26th of January every year.

Australia National Day Wishes 2020:

Wishing all Australian Citizens A Sparkling Australia Day 2020 !!
Let us vow to work hard to make our nation grow with each passing day. Let us promise to make our nation a proud country with our dedication. Happy Australia National Day 2020.
On the occasion of Australia Day, let us look at our past and take lessons to make our future a glorious one. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Happy Australia Independence Day 2020
Wishing you all Happy Independence Day 2020! May our country progress in all directions Let’s are proud of Australia! Happy Australian Day 2020!
On 26th January, let us all remember and thank all the brave souls who gifted us a peaceful and beautiful nation free from slavery. Wishing Happy Australia Day 2020 to you and your family.

Australia National Day Wishes 2020

Almighty granted us the freedom not just because we wanted it, but because we fought for it and shed our blood for it. Decide what you stand for, and stand up for it. Happy Independence Day!
Also Read About: Australia Day Funny Memes 2020 
“Salute to our Martyrs who laid their lives for us.. Happy Australia Day to you and your family.”
On Jan 26, we wish all our clients a happy Australia day. Thank you for being part of our big family and long live Australia.
On Independence Day, here’s wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us, now and always. Happy Australia Day!
May the Australian flag always fly high. Warm wishes on the grand occasion of Australia National Day!

Australia National Day Quotes 2020:

Australia is an absolutely fantastic country, but the only thing we lack is the ability to work harder. – Dick Smith
Australia is an outdoor country. People only go inside to use the toilet. And that's only a recent development. Barry Humphries
To live in Australia permanently is rather like going to a party and dancing all night with one’s mother. – Barry Humphries
Now, I know that there are some Aboriginal people who aren’t happy with Australia Day. For them it remains Invasion Day. I think a better view is the view of Noel Pearson, who has said that Aboriginal people have much to celebrate in this country’s British Heritage. – Tony Abbott
Australia is an outdoor country. People only go inside to use the toilet. And that’s only a recent development. – Barry Humphries
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. – Martin Luther King Jr.
Olivia Newton-John – Australia’s gift to insomniacs. It’s nothing but the blonde singing the bland. – Minnie Riperton
Read More Quotes:  Invasion Day Quotes For Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
It’s definitely different in the States. Americans are much different people compared to us. We’re much more laid back. I itch to get back to Australia every summer because it’s so fast paced there and so stressful. – Andrew Bogut
The greatest and proudest moment moment of my life standing on the podium receiving the silver medal on behalf of myself and Australia. Graham Cheney
It's definitely different in the States. Americans are much different people compared to us. We're much more laid back. I itch to get back to Australia every summer because it's so fast paced there and so stressful. Andrew Bogut
Australia Day Quotes 2020
 I'd like to be seen as an average Australian bloke. I can't think of... I can't think of a nobler description of anybody than to be called an average Australian bloke. John Howard
Australia is an absolutely fantastic country, but the only thing we lack is the ability to work harder. Dick Smith
Australia is about as far away as you can get. I like that. Andre Benjamin
God bless America. God save the Queen. God defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia. Russell Crowe
In Australia, not reading poetry is the national pastime. Phyllis McGinley

Australia National Day Messages 2020:

Freedom comes with responsibility. As citizens of our country, let us make a promise to ourselves to work for the betterment of our nation. Best wishes on Australia Day to you.
We are bound together by the one nation One identity and one vision We have freedom of mind We have pride in our heart And we have faith in our words Happy Australia Day 2020
Australia Day is incomplete without our promise to our nation to make it stronger and pride nation. Let us all work hard to make it the best place on earth. Happy Australia Day.
We are a country of diversity blessed with natural beauty and shinning sun…. We are the nation blessed with cricket and strong mate-ship…. We are bonded with nationality and we will always work for the success and growth of our country…. Wishing you a very Happy Australia Day.
United we stand, and when we stay divided, we will fall. This is the perfect day to do a re-think and also a re-jig of our Independence. We should remember to think about who we are and how we got to our present state of economic affairs. May God continue to bless and uplift our Nation. Happy Australia Day 2020.
On the occasion of Australia Day, I wish that the fame and name of our country across all the boundaries… May we become the best nation in the world…. I pray for the blessings of God to make us a better country year after year…. Happy Australia Day to you.
The joy and contentment of being a Australia is real. I pray that this Independence day fills your life and that of your family all the happiness and contentment that it needs. I am proud to be a Australian, what about you? Happy Australia day!
Happy Australia Day Messages 2020
The labor of our past leaders should not be in vain. As we rejoice today, let’s remember them and pledge to always strive hard towards upholding the freedom and unity they fought for. Have a wonderful Independence Day.
Wishing a Happy Australia Day to you and your family. Let us all salute to the pride and success of our nation. Let us thank God for giving us such a wonderful country.
Also Read About : Happy Australia Day Images Wallpapers Greeting Cards 2020

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